Saturday, May 29, 2010

fundraising tips and tricks...

Not too many hints as this was my first time fundraising, however I want to be open about what worked and what didn't!

Support Letters:

Support letters are usually the easiest way to get the word out about where you are going, what you will be doing, and the cost of the trip. I mailed my support letters with the brochure from Global Expeditions, as well as a bookmark as a gift. Also, I included a pre-addressed envelope and a donations instruction sheet to make all the ways to give, clear and understandable.

Also, in addition to mailing, I also emailed an abbreviated version of my support letter to people I knew locally, but did not have an address for.

From the support letters, I generated around: $1360.90

Pringles Cans

This was probably my most successful fundraiser that I participated in raising $438.24 plus more uncounted change (I know I need to count it!!) For this fundraiser you collect change in an empty can. GE (global Expeditions) suggested Pringles cans because of their capacity to hold close to $50 in them. Then from here, select some great supporters who are willing to go out into the community, at home, or at work, to collect change for you. A friend of mine made a nifty little cover to put over the pringles logo that said "Help Support Rhemma go to South Africa this summer" Get creative and step out!

I have to say that I had the most fun with this one but it was also the most challenging at times. I would often stand up on the bus and make announcements and get no response, but other times I would get change and up to $20 bills in my can! This one definitely requires alot of energy and you have to be willing to feel a little awkward at times, but I found that the more excited you are about it, the more people respond to wanting to support you!

Bake Sales:

Always a hit, but location is KEY. I did three bake sales, combined with a friend of mine and location seemed to be the best at our church! We made close to $200 whereas the other two locations we were averaging around $30 each. Church worked because those people knew us and knew our hearts for going overseas as well as the rush of hungry churchgoers coming out of service as an added bonus!

Car Wash:

Time of day and location are both important here! BUT WEATHER... is key! =) I did a car wash combined with a friend and it was drizzling outside and very cold! Needless to say, we only washed 2 cars, BUT GOD put HIS super- on our natural and we raised $49 from those couple of hours because people felt bad for us!

Babysitting, Word of Mouth, Misc..

Babysitting was a quick and easy way to make some extra $ and when I told the parents that the money would all go to my trip, I think that influenced them to be more generous (just speculation, though). Also, I made a Facebook Event, and literally invited all of my 1000+ friends and that DEFINITELY got the word out that i was going... (whether or not they donated or supported, is another story...haha...) I generated over $200 from FB and money is still coming in because people are still wanting to help out with expenses.

from this category I made around $794!!!

Also I received well over $1700 from the church in Indy who I am going on this trip with. That was definitely an extra blessing as they included me in miscellaneous fundraisers the group did as a team that i was unable to participate in (THANKS GUYS!)

In addition, many of my expenses and packing items that I needed were provided for by posting on Facebook what I needed (like wipes, travel size toiletries, etc)! This was a definite blessing!!

Dine to Donate at Applebees

This event, which most Applebees do --> (See link to brochure here ) is where Applebees donates 15% of their profits from an agreed upon date towards your non-profit organization!

This event was not as successful as I would have wanted it to be, but it still generated $77.40 from me doing nothing but telling people a date to dine at Applebees. I definitely put up the flyer last minute and I myself did not hand out many so this could have been much more successful so don't gauge whether or not to do it based on my results! This requires alot of publicity and making sure that large groups go out to eat!

All in all, my first time fundraising, I tried a large variety of different ideas and they all had great results! Even those which did not generate the most funds still superceded my expectations as I did not put nearly enough effort into it!

So get out there, fundraise, reach out to people and give them an opportunity to help support your passion!

thanks for reading...



I'm going to SOUTH AFRICA!!!

It was nearly 6 months ago when I prayed about an overseas opportunity for a mission trip. I had no clue where I wanted to go, but I knew that I wanted it to be this year!

My pastor was aware of his overseas schedule so my hopes would be that I would pray about one of those trips. I had also visited a church in Carmel (hometown) over the holidays where their youth group was going to South Africa. Even though I brought home the flyer- I was by no means actually planning on going with them. The trip cost alone was $3981! Yea right! BUT God....

Even with these options, I had made up my mind to attend one of my Pastors mission trips which were not as nearly expensive. Nevertheless, i decided to pray and fast for which trip God wanted me to attend.

I wrote down these trips in my journal:

Nigeria, Cuba, Phillipines

I prayed and I heard: South Africa

Ok? - in shock I continued to pray over the other countries on my list.


I relented and sealed the prayer with God if you make a way, I will go. I felt immediate peace about the trip and later that day when cleaning my room, I found the brochure for the trip to SA. I felt like this was God confirming to me that He would make it happen. Again, I couldn't help but look at the price- $3981.

I decided to trust God; I applied -got accepted; fundraising was a success (see next post)

and now here I am---LESS than two weeks away from my very first mission experience!

Now the real work begins...feeding my passion and hunger to see God's power work in South Africa (1 Cor 2:4-5)