Saturday, May 29, 2010


I'm going to SOUTH AFRICA!!!

It was nearly 6 months ago when I prayed about an overseas opportunity for a mission trip. I had no clue where I wanted to go, but I knew that I wanted it to be this year!

My pastor was aware of his overseas schedule so my hopes would be that I would pray about one of those trips. I had also visited a church in Carmel (hometown) over the holidays where their youth group was going to South Africa. Even though I brought home the flyer- I was by no means actually planning on going with them. The trip cost alone was $3981! Yea right! BUT God....

Even with these options, I had made up my mind to attend one of my Pastors mission trips which were not as nearly expensive. Nevertheless, i decided to pray and fast for which trip God wanted me to attend.

I wrote down these trips in my journal:

Nigeria, Cuba, Phillipines

I prayed and I heard: South Africa

Ok? - in shock I continued to pray over the other countries on my list.


I relented and sealed the prayer with God if you make a way, I will go. I felt immediate peace about the trip and later that day when cleaning my room, I found the brochure for the trip to SA. I felt like this was God confirming to me that He would make it happen. Again, I couldn't help but look at the price- $3981.

I decided to trust God; I applied -got accepted; fundraising was a success (see next post)

and now here I am---LESS than two weeks away from my very first mission experience!

Now the real work begins...feeding my passion and hunger to see God's power work in South Africa (1 Cor 2:4-5)


  1. Wow! This blog is amazing! Like incredible even! Whoa! I am blown away by the sheer genious of Rhemma!

  2. I think that is so cool that God just pinpointed SA for you, even though you had other countries on your list not even relating to Africa! I'm looking forward to this trip so much!
