Wednesday, May 25, 2011

So close...yet still so far.... Update from Fort Worth, TX

Hey friends!!!

Greetings from way down in TEXAS!!! I had very safe trip down to TX last Fri and have thoroughly enjoyed my time here. As soon as I arrived, I was immediately thrown into the events of the weekend. For those of you who may not know - I came down to TX earlier than planned because I agreed to share my testimony at a Youth Conference my friend Anji was hosting at her church. So we were rushing around getting things ready for the night concert and then full day conference on Sat.

The conference was amazing and I can't imagine planning an event like this so I was very proud of my friend for all her diligence. I know I can't share every single moment in this email but the biggest moment happened Sat night following the conference. I was asked to fill in at the concert after a musical artist dropped out. I was fully UNPREPARED to do this, but told my friend I would if they absolutely needed me to. Even after saying that - I proceeded to make her aware that I was uncomfortable with this scenario. Why? Because these were artists performing at a concert that had a fee...I - on the other hand - am NOT an artist, no CD to project I'm currently working on...

After moments, I realized that there I was going to have to do this. I was facing intimidation and knew I had to make a choice. To believe God would bring something good out of this performance. I had to believe that above my own self-confidence that was lacking - that God was confident enough to trust to put me on stage with my guitar in order to once again be able to share my testimony in a different way.

I told Anji that I would do it and asked if I could go first (again, hoping to save face and humiliation by being an opener as opposed to a part of the concert) It was too late, however, because I was wedged in the middle of two gospel rap groups. I barely made it through sound check with the 5 chords that I know, but was filled with this familiar feeling of calm that God has given me so many times before. I knew that something great was going to come out of this. And I knew I had to be broken in order to get to the good on the other side. It was then that Anji told me that she had this idea to have all the artists share their Cardboard Testimony somewhere in their set. The basic premise of the Cardboard Testimony is to write who you once were on one side and then who you are NOW after Christ on the other side. I was beginning to be more aware of what God was doing now. Earlier when I shared my testimony - adults weren't in the room (except a few) - Now God was creating a way for me to share my story again - but I had to be an "artist" to be able to share with all those who had come to the concert! =)

I sang three songs that I knew well on my guitar and shared parts of my testimony throughout each. But in the end - I put my guitar down so that I could fully focus. And I looked out and knew it was time to GO HARD and completely open myself up (AGAIN) for the sake that one person may hear and see God's glory and want to accept HIM as their Lord and Saviour! I took out my cardboard and shared my story; the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful ending of salvation! and I ended with giving glory to GOD. This was an amazing experience because when it was over - I felt an amazing release of joy!! I got off the stage and one of the rappers from the group after me commented on how one thing in particular in my testimony he had never dealt with in his life. He said it encouraged him - later that night during his cardboard testimony - he was amazingly open and shared about some very personal things that amazed me

I'm having an amazing time here in TX and will be hanging out and finishing up some things before my next destination. Tonight I will be visiting the Youth Group at Grace church and sharing my experience in South Africa last summer and some fundraising ideas as they prepare to raise money for their summer Youth program. Please pray for this to be a fun, encouraging time with these awesome youth kids and that they believe that anything is possible with God. I think they each have about $500 to raise in 3 weeks! I know God can do it!

As far as my fundraising.. I'm hitting a bit of a bump. I still need $650 to pay off the rest of my account and expenses that are necessary for my trip. This includes the fuel surcharge for the international flight, CPR certification ($89), Hep A&B vaccine, Japanese Euch... vaccine, and $50 to buy appropriate clothing in India for cultural sensitivity, etc
PRAISE REPORT: someone sublet my room for the summer so that expense is not an issue anymore!

There is still time to donate online to my mission account if you are willing and able to give. Visit Click on Donate

The last day they are counting online donations is May 30th (because it takes a week or so to process) After this - you will be able to give by contacting me. I will give you my account info, or paypal which is and is linked to my chase account. (Let me know if you are unfamiliar with paypal)
*For your donation to be tax deductible you will need to donate online by May 30th!*

All this is due at the time I arrive on campus in Garden Valley, TX on June 10th. I've heard testimonies of people getting the last bit of money needed right before they get on the bus to head out, but I'm not wanting to push this limit if at all possible. =) However, I know God is a miracle worker so only time will tell!

Still praying daily at 10:40am/pm so please join with me in prayer about these concerns and for the trip this summer!

Thank you for opening this email and making it down to the end! =)

Financial Update - May

Hey everyone!

So... the last time I emailed you all.. I was pretty frazzled by the news that I needed $541.40 to meet my next deadline. This was a BIG jump from the $70 I thought I owed. Well since then, if you have been following my posts on facebook, God completely rockeed my world last week. Within two days, I had $206 raised.

Here is a brief play-by-play:

Monday - freakout day, had to regroup my emotions and sent emails, received encouragement and began countdown of my FIGHT...
Tuesday - received $150 in donations towards my trip!
Wednesday - received $160 in donations towards my trip!!
Thursday - left for TN with my family and checked mission acct and saw some donations I hadn't counted!
Friday - posted on fb that I only needed $46.40 left to meet my deadline and before I could post to gmail, someone claimed that!
WOW... (it was more exciting to see the chipping away on fb, because that has timestamps..but still really cool)

So .... in 4 days.... God provided $541.40 for my ticketing deadline.

As of Monday, May 2, 2011, I have been ticketed for the summer trip to Nepal and India! This just means that my international ticket has been bought and that I'm officially on this trip!


Because of my discount, I have paid for my entire trip in full as of Monday! Leaving only additional expenses for me to raise - I would say this has been a pretty awesome week so far!!!

God is so faithful and i believe this was a test to see if I would hold on to HIS peace and HIS promise in the midst of not knowing what was happening.

So thank you to all who prayed, supported, and helped me spread the word!

You still want to support? Here are some fun ways to join in this opportunity!