Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mercy29 Organization

just watched a video that rocked my life... The Birth of Mercy29 INDIA

WOW!!! I want to be a Doer of the WORD!

This organization was recently founded for the sole purpose of being the hands and feet of Jesus. Here is a description from their website! I encourage you to check it out!:

We are reasonably employed by Jesus to investigate the case of those we do not know giving hope along with a future. Our heart is to deliver the poor that have no helper by sponsoring orphans and rescuing widows, as well as helping entire families suffering from systemic poverty. We build homes and Christian churches, facilitate schools in poor communities, and seek holistic transformation in the world’s most forgotten cities and villages.

We’re currently serving in two nations, Mozambique Africa and Andhra Pradesh India. In Africa, Mercy29 exist as a micro-community project helping several families. In India, we’re spread out amongst 6 children’s homes, caring mostly for orphans and elderly widows.

-Mercy29 (Website)

They also had this scripture on their site that completely put things in perspective for me:
Job 29:11-17
"For when the ear heard, it called me blessed, and when the eye saw, it gave witness of me, because I delivered the poor who cried for help, and the orphan who had no helper. The blessing of the one ready to perish came upon me, and I made the widow’s heart sing for joy. I put on righteousness, and it clothed me; my justice was like a robe and a turban. I was eyes to the blind And feet to the lame. I was a father to the needy, and I investigated the case which I did not know. I broke the jaws of the wicked and snatched the prey from his teeth."

God, I pray that I can move past my own selfishness in order to see Your will be done in Nepal and India this summer. I am in desperate need of a constant understanding of the oppression and injustice around the world! I want to bring YOUR love and gift of salvation to those places that are forgotten. I want to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, pray for the sick and DO GREATER WORKS so that Your Kingdom will be glorified! Help my eyes to see the my heart respond...order my feet to take ACTION and GO!!! Proverbs 25:25 "Good news from far away is like cold water to the thirsty."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ready, Set, FUNDRAISE!!!

Last summer, when I was preparing for my mission trip to South Africa, I realized quickly that I needed help. I had come so far in my own strength and neede God's direction. He directed me to reach out to others! Why?? Because it was humbling, it was comforting, and I truly saw God's church in action as people banned together to help me prepare for my trip. People were buying things on my packing list, helping me set up fundraisers, etc. The support I found by just reaching out was tremendous! I needed people around me to encourage me for this trip, pray for this trip, and also help me plan for this trip! They came in handy when I would get discouraged and want to give up.

This also translated over into fundraising aspect of my trip because I found that the more people I got on board the less pressure was on each individual to raise the full amount. $4000 was overwhelming to tell people, however, with smaller goals, like $20, $50, etc for a person to help me raise. For instance, with the Pringles fundraiser I did (raising about $400) I had 11 friends going around campus, work, etc, collecting change and it became something fun and challenging for us all. With a little healthy competition sprinkled here and there =) This I believe built camaraderie and we were able to talk about successes and failures with each fundraiser and support each other through it! Before we knew it, the total was inching away, piece by piece.

This got me thinking - if I create a team of supporters who are willing to raise a certain amount of money by a deadline for this summer, that opens the arena up for many different ideas to flow as well as the same team force that I believe helped mobilize me last summer! I have ideas, but instead letting everyone choose how they want to raise the money they commit to bringing in.

I'm sure you are thinking - COMMITMENT = PRESSURE but I say that this is not the case. This commitment gives a working goal and creates focus for an end goal. This helps me mobilize people to raise $ quicker and to a level they are comfortable with. If you commit to raising $100 over 6 months that could equate to getting 5 people to donate $10 every three months! or babysitting, or commit to hosting 1 bake sale for my trip and donate those earnings. Basically, just mini fundraisers going on that will empower my supporters to step on the water and see what God can do with what we give HIM!

So if you are interested in helping me fundraise for my mission trip and have an idea of how you would like to contribute please contact me!
Rhemma Snikiwe Payne on FB
doves_eyes_85 on twitter

rEaDy SeT gO!!!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year - New Opportunities!!

Happy New Year everyone!

I have some UBER great news to share with you all!!!

This summer I have the most wonderful opportunity to go on another mission trip with Global Expeditions (Teen Mania) to Nepal and India for 2 months! Last summer I went to South Africa and got to co-lead a team of 20 teens on day-to-day ministry in the squatter camps in Diepsloot and Kya Sands outside of Johannesburg.Watch my video - South Africa 2010

This year, I will also be co-leading a team of teens as we share the gospel with rescued victims of sex trafficking as well as those we meet on the street in Nepal and India. We will be using several ministry tools and I am praying for the words to say as I share my testimony and experiences to encourage those we meet.

I am thrilled to go on this trip for several reasons, but the most important reason being that between Nepal and India combined, there are less than 3% practicing Christians in those countries! We have WORK to do to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Both Nepal and India are in what is called the "10/40" window. What is the 10/40 Window?:

"The 10/40 Window is an area of the world that contains the largest population of non-Christians in the world. The area extends from 10 degrees to 40 degrees North of the equator, and stretches from North Africa across to China."(source).

"The 10/40 Window is a term coined by Christian missionary strategist Luis Bush in 1990to refer those regions of the eastern hemisphere located between 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator, a general area that in 1990 was purported to have the highest level of socioeconomic challenges and least access to the Christian message and Christian resources on the planet."(source)

Our team will be leaving June 13th and returning August 4th, 2011! We are all very thrilled for this opportunity while at the same time, very sober about the poverty and deprived situations we will see while there. We are wanting to see God do the miraculous and impossible this summer! Please believe with me that I will raise all the money necessary to go! Pray for my spiritual walk to be strengthened in preparation to go overseas this summer!

There are several ways that you can help mobilize me and support my mission trip this summer:

2. Support Financially
3. Fundraise with me! =)
4. Spread the word - invite people to follow my blog; Join my facebook group; Follow me: Twitter

Financial Breakdown:
Trip Goal: 2,520.00 (Cost, Materials, Airfare, etc)
Total Raised: $435.00

Remainder Cost: $2,085.00

To Donate:
Missionary ID#: 2599247
1. Phone: 1.866.545.6239 and ask to donate to a missionary account
2. Online: visit GE website donation page and search by my missionary id 2599247
3. Mail a check made out to Teen Mania Ministries to me (email me for address)
*Note for your check to be tax deductible - you cannot put my name anywhere on the check, but you should put my missionary ID!
4. Donate directly through my PayPal account: OR Check out my sidebar for the link -->

If you are interested in helping me implement my fundraising plan please email me as well!