Saturday, June 26, 2010

Healings, Salvations, and Prayer...OH MY

So much has been happening on this trip so far!

We've had a lame woman walk, a sick baby healed of an unknown disease and more!!! I have had the opportunity to share the gospel with many and lead 8 people to salvation within the first couple days of ministry! Our whole team has been giving all they have to serving the people in Diepsloot and seeing the results is amazing!

We have really grown to love the people here and it is becoming easier and easier to share the life giving gospel message with them! As a team our prayers are becoming more unified and we are finding it easier to pray with people.

Today my team reported to me that they began cutting and tearing off the bracelets and ropes that the local witch doctors tie to the children! I think that's awesome!! They are starting to see the severity with the spiritual battle that we are in!

Continue to pray for our whole group as we begin to encounter more and more of these local witch doctors and other people under false religions. Pray for protection for our group because we know Jesus' power is BIGGER!!


1 COR 2:4-5

Saturday, June 19, 2010

You Just Got Served.....


ok so this sounds so random but... OK IT IS...





This name came up kinda randomly during one of our training sessions. We wanted to do something fun but that would also help us incorporate our team mission of serving each other and those we meet in South Africa. So we have a few fun things that we do but one of them comes when we help each other out or serve someone by doing something nice and expected - we say "you just got served" - or the person who realized they were a recipient of the "servi-tude" (?) will say, "I just got SERVED" and we do a little motion of a b-ball player shooting a score in the hoop or a v-ball player serving up a shot! So in a weird kinda awkward way it works and I hear all my team members using it (and some of the other teams are catching on and using it as well)

(weird alert) I absolutely love my kids faces...(what? - too soon to drop the L-bomb?) Regardless they are awesome and we have fun together.. we literally have made each other laugh to the point of crying and that's awesome.. and they are completely running with our team name and it's vision of serving people selflessly!

My prayer:

Continue to have team unity and fun this summer!!!

The Great Commission....


I made it safely to South Africa! A couple of my flights were very hard to get through because of turbulence but that makes it even more exciting that I am here! God is sooo faithful!

Well my internet time is limited so I'm going to jump right into it!

Last night our whole project (about 62 people) met to have a commissioning service. Based out of the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:16-20 - our project directors gave us a message and allowed all the Team Leaders to pray and commission each member on our team. God gave me so much insight and Words of knowledge for some of my team members so I pray that they consider God's voice and take those words and RUN with them! There is so much power in God's WORD and when HE speaks to us specifically - I believe that this is what determines the course of life for these teens. My team is a little older than some of the other teams with our youngest being 14 but average around 18/19!

Today was our first day of ministry and part of my team was responsible for doing the Vacation Bible School lesson today! Although we only had 1-2 days of training we just kinda went for it! I commend my team for just stepping up and getting it done.

We set up in the middle of an alley and began to gather some kids. My team just went for it - playing "football" with the kids and talking to the parents. We are so excited to be here and ministering to God's children! The kids were so responsive and towards the end we just started dancing and singing with them while one of my team members shared the gospel with the mothers that were gathered around watching. She got to pray for a couple of women for the first time in this type of setting and she was excited about it for the whole rest of the day! That was an awesome feeling for me to find joy in my team's success! Often I wanted to jump in but my co-leader and I just stood back today and let them go at it and they rocked it!!! I can't wait for MORE!

My prayer:
God - I ask for a boldness for my team members! From one day of ministry they already reported 6 salvations! I also ask for those who are still battling the decision to truly live for God; that YOU would set their feet in a stance and position of victory to continue to stand firm for YOU and all that YOU represent!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


A full day of sessions today has left me exhausted, and very aware of the intensity if this trip.
From how to build a team to safety protocol - I'm left very aware that I am a ROOKIE!

My co-leader happens to be a rookie as well so this will be interesting.

--First things first...getting a team vision---

Our team's vision is to be "deeply committed to loving selflessly"
Even though my Co (co-leader) haven't met our team - our vision is to make sure our team leaves knowing how to serve God and others selflessly!

"Quiet Time Take-Away"
Acts 8:26-35
Philip was a rookie!!

God led him all of way and when he got to the Ethopian - there was a perfect window for Philip to present the gospel and he went for it!

God has provided this opportunity to us and He is faithful to see it through and give us the boldness we need to present the gospel!!

I'm so excited!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Random opportunities

At the swimming pool with my lil sis'. Which is beyond random since I can't swim. But it's FREE so we r here..

Sorry - that was random BUT- speaking of random.... today I'm asking God to provide opportunities to share the gospel in random places in South Africa - like the airport - lodging site - marketplace - WHEREVER -

Please join with me and pray for these opportunities and that me and my team will be ready to share the gospel whenever possible!!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

2 days...

Almost 2 days until I head on a plane to Texas! I bought a cowboy hat and everything! haha.. Anyways, please pray for me as I finish up packing and cramming stuff into my bag. I am praying for favor and that my bags are under the limit! =)
Also, pray for my fellow team leaders, as we are all beginning to become overwhelmed with the amount of duties and tasks we will be assigned on this trip.

Keep us all in your prayers as we prepare to head out this Friday to train for a day and then train our Missionary Advisors that SAT! Then, pray for ideas of how we build a team atmosphere before Mon (when the other missionaries arrive) so that we can start off with unity!!!

Love you all!

Please feel free to comment and share anything you receive for my team and I as you pray for us! God is always speaking and we are willing to listen!!


Tester - sent from iPhone

Hey all!!

Just a tester blog - sent from my iPhone!

Love ya!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, June 8, 2010



Today I was reading in 1 Kings 3:8-14 about King Solomon. Right after he became king, his heart was already set towards God's Kingdom and seeing God's people treated fairly. He chose to ask for the right things, his requests were in line with God's vision. In Verse 8-9, Solomon says,
"8 Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number. 9 So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?"

God used this passage of scripture to encourage me today. I had several requests that I have seen come to pass for this trip to South Africa. One of the biggest being to provide the finances for me to go! God has not only done that but provided provision for extra trip expenses. But more importantly than that request, this week I've been thinking about how I would be effective in South Africa. What am I going to talk about? How am I going to share with people? How do I relate? and all these questions that were discouraging me and making feel as though I was not equipped to be going. Finally, I decided to take some time out to pray about specific things and that me and my team would be effective this summer. When reading this today, I realized that I just needed to make the "right request" -

I want to see people's lives changed, I want to see someone healed, I would like all the words my team and I speak to speak profoundly to those we reach.....Then, God reminded me of this passage of scripture and how my request to see Him move in South Africa is in line with HIS heart. The purpose of me going is to share my story, so why wouldn't God give me the words to say? Why would He bring me this far to leave me? Much like Solomon didn't ask for wealth or to have a long life span, God noted that Solomon's focus was in the right place and his request was for God's people and serving them justly. This encouraged me that my request is a right one! I mean, who else would raise over $4000 in order to fly across the ocean (not a fan of flying) to deliver a message to people I don't know about my testimony and about the God I serve? My request is in line with what God wants to do for those people in South Africa and so I know that God is going to far exceed my expectations and show me great things in South Africa! Further down in the passage of scripture it says that God gave Solomon great wisdom (what he asked for) PLUS those things he didn't ask for like wealth, long life, etc!

God is so great! I love HIM and I can't wait to share the GOOD NEWS with South Africa!!!!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


JAMES 5:16(b)SAYS, "... The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

I love prayer, because it changes things! No matter how simple or how profound, prayer changes the current situation and yields great rewards. For this reason, I am setting time apart these next two weeks to devote towards this trip. I am focusing my time to specific things I want to see happen while in South Africa. I would LOVE your support in focused prayer this next week over these topics:

Monday -God's passion for this trip to be evident in me

Tuesday- vision for my team to burn in my heart

Wednesday-diligence w/ learning the ministry tools to share w/ team

Thursday- Opportunities opened for sharing the gospel in random places!

Friday- Safety in travel for all us missionaries/safety in country

Saturday-Effective ministry for my team and I to those we meet in SA as well as within our team

Sunday-a supernatural experience filled w/ powerful testimonies to share back in the US =)