Saturday, June 12, 2010


A full day of sessions today has left me exhausted, and very aware of the intensity if this trip.
From how to build a team to safety protocol - I'm left very aware that I am a ROOKIE!

My co-leader happens to be a rookie as well so this will be interesting.

--First things first...getting a team vision---

Our team's vision is to be "deeply committed to loving selflessly"
Even though my Co (co-leader) haven't met our team - our vision is to make sure our team leaves knowing how to serve God and others selflessly!

"Quiet Time Take-Away"
Acts 8:26-35
Philip was a rookie!!

God led him all of way and when he got to the Ethopian - there was a perfect window for Philip to present the gospel and he went for it!

God has provided this opportunity to us and He is faithful to see it through and give us the boldness we need to present the gospel!!

I'm so excited!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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