Sunday, August 21, 2011

In Nepal: Prayer for Manisha....

Pray for Manisha G. today:

I met this young girl on a ministry site in Nepal. She was so smart and spoke great English.. already a believer, I had her walk around and translate for me and tell others about Christ. Told her I would never forget her and would pray that she is able to share the love of Christ with her family members! i just read her note she put in my journal:

"it's me manisha from Nepal. don't forget me while praying and my relatives too."

Amazing girl.... let's pray that God continues to strengthen her in her youth and that she preaches boldly to her friends and relatives that don't know you! (she is around 11yrs old)

I don't have a picture of her on my camera but I do have a picture from the ministry site that I met her at. Believing for all these people who heard the gospel this day to make the choice to put their faith in Christ!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


HEY Friends!!

So first thing's first - my apologies for not sending many updates from overseas. Internet was more limited and very SLOW in some places....but nonetheless, I'm BACK!
NOTE: If you are on facebook you got to see a couple of stories and pictures that were posted throughout the trip but if not click on these links to see pics and read stories from this summer: Nepal A / India B. --> throughout this post are hyperlinks where I have attached some pictures from Facebook- Check em out!

This summer was very challenging in many ways. Long days, hot food, and hot air! I was challenged as a leader, a person, and a Christian and still I wouldn't trade it in for anything! I fell in love with Nepal and India!! The people, the culture, the sights, all amazing. And God blessed me with an awesome co-leader, Chris Biddix! He has done several trips with Teen Mania and is soon to be on the mission field full time! He has an incredible love for nationals and it was inspiring to see him in action! So grateful that I got to lead with him for 2 months this summer! I think my trip would have been drastically different had I not been paired with him. We had great ministry and both our teams in Nepal and India had so much fun!!!

Our team name for Nepal was Freedom Truth Seekers (FTS) because we believed that God was going to use our team in Nepal to share the Truth with the nationals, and we know that Truth brings freedom!! But how do we find this Truth to share? We have to seek it out!
Ps 119:9-11 was one of our scripture memorization verses and I believe it fits perfectly with this! We had about 23 students and they were all amazing! Some were as young as 15 and it was simply fantastic seeing them minister with such confidence! absolutely beautiful. The people there are so welcoming and considerate. They actually have a saying there "guests are like gods" which explains their tremendous hospitality towards us foreigners! (at the same time it sheds light to their worship of many gods...)

Although the sites were amazing, I want to highlight our awesome global partners (ministry we worked with while in Nepal). Global Partners are our connections while in country. they set up ministry sites for us, they provide our housing, sometimes they translate for us when we are lacking translators, and most importantly they are connecting us with local pastors and making sure we are having effective ministry. We were able to minister in three different cities: Kathmandu, Pokarra Valley, and Chitwan - three completely different places in Nepal but all offering awesome ministry. Our main Global Partner in Nepal was Deepak! He was an amazing man whose heart was completely towards his people learning about the saving grace through Jesus Christ. Him and his wife served us throughout this whole trip and they sacrificed alot to be with us every step of the way. He was out on ministry with us and very involved. What touched us about Deepak was that for 10 years Teen Mania had not been on a mission trip to Nepal because of political issues within the country, they felt it was unsafe to send a team there. For 10 years Deepak has been emailing and calling the Teen Mania contacts asking them to send a team to Nepal. He prayed during this years nonstop because he knew his people's heart were ready to hear the mesage of Jesus Christ! This was so encouraging to see his tenacity in getting a team of students here to share the gospel! His involvement was remarkable and I can't imagine myself praying for ten years straight to see my people set free!

I have plenty of stories to share from Nepal but will share them through my blog. Here is a video one of our students, Carly, made of our time Nepal. She captures some pretty awesome moments.. and some funny moments!! Here is a glimpse of what we saw in Nepal. Enjoy this video!!!!

In India, Chris and I had a whole new team the second month (with only 4 students carried over from our Nepal team). So we cast a new vision for them....and came up with HOLY DELINQUENTS aka. HD! For the India trip our project directors wanted the project to read the book of ACTS. Inspired by this, we decided that we wanted our team to cause trouble for the gospel - Acts 17:6 ""These men who have caused trouble all over the world have now come here," We used this scripture and much more from the book of Acts as our ammo and motivation for ministry.

What made this team unique is that we had what was called the C-gappers, simply meaning they signed up for both Nepal and India so all but 4 had different Team Leaders for the Nepal trip and we had now integrated them all into this team and that posed as a challenge at first. We also had about 5 more days of ministry before the group for India arrived so there was little time to get familiar with each other. We gave them a day of mourning for their friends who left, their old team leaders, but then we pushed from there on out - nonstop ministry and nonstop fun! It was a great group! We also pushed this new team to learn additional scriptures than what the rest of the India project was learning! =) They had already been on the field for a month and most were beginning to get homesick, so Chris and I had to keep the momentum up and constantly keep them as well as each other accountable as to why we came on this trip! It was tough but we grew close through it all!

Ministry in India was jampacked. From about 6AM wake up to 12AM. Each ministry day in general consisted of doing a English program at a local school. Here we had to get creative on how to present the gospel and used bible stories, our drama, and small group discussion in order to share the gospel message. Then, we would have another school in the afternoon. One day, we learned that the principal from a school we visited loved our program and called other principals telling them to invite us to their school! So some days we had 2 additional schools in the afternoon.

Finally, at night we visited a village that was unreached for the gospel. Every village had a local pastor who was connected with the ministry we were working with and they would talk to us about the village. I can't share all the stories here but one pastor who worked with our project had been tied to a tree by a village he was working in for preaching the gospel.

These pastors risked their lives to have us come and share the gospel with their people. Many of them had been thrown out of certain villages, but they told us that when a group of Americans (and Canadians) come, it gains them a different access point and the people will listen to the message. Knowing that we were a part of an open door for the gospel to continue to be preached was a very humbling experience and privilege - many of us will never have to experience the persecution they have and will and that sobered us as well! (one of HD's scripture verses: Romans 12:3)

In the villages we would walk around and pray as well as invite people to see our drama. Then we would perform small skits, have someone share their testimony and then present our 15 minute drama called the JourneyMan. In the drama, the main character is searching for who created him and what his purpose is. Throughout his journey he falls into greed, pleasure, power, science and it all pulls him away from the Miracle Man - who represents Jesus. After the drama, either myself or Chris would share the gospel (called the "net"). Eventually, we let our small group leaders (MA's) share the net. At the end of the net we would do a response: Those who wanted to become believers, those who had questions, those who wanted prayer for healing. I will share more of these responses in my blog. Each village was different as far as response, but regardless of who raised their hand or came forward we would always send our MIGs out to talk with those who had gathered at our site and re-share the gospel with one of our global partners translating.

Story from the field: In a marketplace near a Hindu Temple we were able to do some ministry, meaning we had to be discreet and not draw attention to ourselves as guards were around and we would be without translators. Some people prayer walked, others had some of our global partners with the local India ministry translate for them. I walked around to monitor ministry and make sure our group was staying within the boundaries we set. I noticed one of our ministry groups (called MIGs) that had gone beyond the boundary so I headed down the street to get them. On our way walking back to the designated area, we began praying for a God ordained opportunity - this street was busy and tons of people were walking, we prayed that God would make it obvious to us who He wanted us to talk to. As soon as we ended our prayer it seemed like this woman appeared out of nowhere and tapped one of us on the shoulder asking for prayer. Her face was severely marred and one of her eyes was almost closed shut. We just began praying and speaking to her, even though we knew she couldn't understand. We loved on her and touched her face and I began to cry behind her back so she couldn't see. In that moment I was filled with conviction because of my discomfort in seeing her face as scarred as it was, and I couldn't imagine if my scars on my heart were visible and how people would avoid me. We all just began to hug her and prayed over her scars. And then I prayed, 'God I just wish someone could come and interpret for us'. Then we heard a man say "Are you all from America??" I looked up and saw an Indian man with his wife who clearly spoke English! God is so amazing. They were wanting to talk to us and take pictures with us but I asked if he, whom we learned name was Matt, if he would interpret for us. He agreed and we were able to talk with this woman we had been loving on and praying for. We found out that someone threw acid on her face and that is how she got the scars on her face. We also found out that she was Christian so we were able to pray with her and encourage her! This woman blessed my heart in so many ways - but it really encouraged our group that day that God answers prayers! And on top of that Matt and his wife were Christians as well and they were surprised to see us be as bold as we were right in front of the Hindu temple. My prayer for them is that they will both dedicate their life to sharing the good news wherever they are!

There are so many stories but this email must come to an end...What I am going to do is work on a video of this summer with pictures and stats, etc. Also, I am going to continue posting more stories of salvations, healings, and answers to prayer, etc on my blog. If you are interested in this please follow my blog found below!

Thank you all for your support and prayers!


Fun Tidbit: In both Nepal and India, Chris and I decided to have our team names be a secret to the rest of the project. So we let our students come up with funny alternate names and at roll call and group sessions we would just yell out our team acronym and some random alt team name.

(E.G.) FTS became,"Free the Snails!" and HD became "Hydrated Dolphins!"
We would eventually reveal our true team name the last day but it was a fun way to build team unity and it worked with both teams this summer!

Saturday, June 4, 2011



And still yet another update from Fort Worth, TX. I am nearing the beginning of my trip and would like to update y'all on what has been happening here. I originally got to TX May 20 to share my testimony at a Youth conference. If you got my last email, that conference was amazing and God really worked on my heart even as I shared some tough parts of my testimony. Since then, I have just been helping around at my friend's church and just hanging with some of her friends while preparing for my trip.

I leave next Friday (June 10th) for Garden Valley, TX where we train for 6 days before leaving for Nepal. In Nepal, our ministry is going to be a drama called the Journey Man as well as teaching English in schools, ministering in a recovery center for sex trafficking victims, and street ministry in which we walk around and share the gospel will those we encounter in the village. We will be in Kathmandu -Pokara Valley

In India, we will be in Chennai, where we will also be doing the Journey Man drama, VBS for kids, prayer ministry (similar to street ministry) and also Servant Evangelism where we assist with everyday household chores and present the gospel through building that relationship. Below is a tentative Schedule for this summer.

Tentative Trip Schedule for Summer:

* June 13 – Arrive in Garden Valley, TX and meet your team
* June 14-15 – Train for your mission to Nepal
* June 16 – Depart Texas for Nepal
* June 17-July 4 – Minister in Nepal
* July 5 – Spend the day touring Nepal
* July 6-11 – Minister in Nepal
* July 12 - Travel to India
* July 13-30 – Minister in India
* July 31 – Spend the day touring India
* August 1-2 – Depart for Texas
* August 3 – Spend a last day with your team and prepare to go home
* August 4 – Depart for home and change the world

*Project Directors and Team Leaders are required to arrive to the Global Expeditions' headquarters on June 10

Financial Need:

I had such a great response as of my last update and am so grateful to you all for praying and supporting me.

Here is where I am now, financially:

$30 - mission acct balance - this is what is owed for me to go! This is everything that Global Expeditions requires to be paid in full before the trip. PRAISE GOD! this is significantly lower than the $400+ I listed in the last email! Thank you JESUS!

$200 - spending money - I put this amount although I know GE recommends a bit more. ($50 per week) What this money would contribute to is fun treats, souvenirs, and also phone cards, and anything else that may come up that is not a necessity but would be nice to have

If you want to give - please support me through my paypal account which is : or click on the Paypal button on this blogsite

Prayer Requests:

* My needs: that they are met!
* My health : my eyes, tooth have been bothering me in particular; overall health!
* My project: Project Directors: Kenny and Tanya; Team Leaders, Missionaries; ministry contacts
* My growth: This trip is going to be an amazing opportunity for me to grow spiritually, please pray that I'm willing and open to these changes

I appreciate all your prayers - immensely. I have so many who are willing to support and pray with me and it can be overwhelming. In it all I'm trying to remain grateful! Keeping my Attitude of Gratitude! Satan would rather me fixate on these last minute expenses and health needs but I'm choosing to stay grateful and thankful to God who has brought me this far!!! He is faithful to complete it! Thank you all for allowing me to share this with you as I prepare to have an experience of a lifetime.

I'm reading the book The Shack right now, a fiction novel about a man whose daughter is abducted and murdered; after receiving a mysterious note that he believes is from God inviting him to go back to the shack where his daughter was murdered, he sets out to get some answers. It is here that he finds himself interacting with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit through various situations that help him address all his hurt...while finding out about God and HIS goodness....

.... I mention this book only to share with you where I feel like I am right now. I feel as though I am learning about God in a whole new way in this point in my life and having to address some religious ideas I have of HIM and learning to truly live my life solely for HIM.

What does that look like? What does that feel like?

I'm learning about myself and how I tend to run from things that challenge me, how I use anger to shield hurt, how I expect people to fail - which translates into expecting (and sometimes hoping that God would fail to). In regards to this trip, I know that it is important that I confront head on my biggest fears in hopes that I will have an experience similar to this character in this book - believing that when I meet God a place of hurt, brokenness, and massive amounts of unknowns, and ugly truths (about myself) that I don't want to see, that He will be there - preparing an encounter for me, specifically designed for me, an unforgettable experience with HiM that I will never forget. My shack represents my fear of flying that I will continuous conquer, my challenge to share my life with the teens on my team, my hurts, guilt, shame from choices I made prior to receiving Christ....and many other things I've tried to hide away in my heart.

I know this trip to Nepal and India will help me address myself as I share my life with those I've never met. This is why I am fighting until the very end to go! Yes, I want to go overseas and share the gospel, Yes I want to see people healed, delivered and SAVED in Jesus' name! BUT I also want to meet God in a different way, willing to be vulnerable and willing to have HIM address whatever He needs to address in my overseas shack.. giving HIM permission to shake my world up...

My prayer is that we all will be able to find that adventure that is both exciting and challenging to go on, knowing that through all the preparation, all the fears, that we would risk it all for the chance to meet God face-to-face and to have an experience that no one will be able to take away from us!! FIGHT FOR YOUR ENCOUNTER WITH GOD! He has an experience designed for you and only you, you just have to decide whether or not you will accept the invite to go away with Him!

God bless you all and thank you for reading!! I leave you with of my favorite songs right now by Jesus Culture, Come Away

lyrics: "it's gonna be wild, it's gonna be great, it's gonna be full of ME"

Jesus Culture "Come Away"

It's gonna be a wild summer!! Love you all!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

So close...yet still so far.... Update from Fort Worth, TX

Hey friends!!!

Greetings from way down in TEXAS!!! I had very safe trip down to TX last Fri and have thoroughly enjoyed my time here. As soon as I arrived, I was immediately thrown into the events of the weekend. For those of you who may not know - I came down to TX earlier than planned because I agreed to share my testimony at a Youth Conference my friend Anji was hosting at her church. So we were rushing around getting things ready for the night concert and then full day conference on Sat.

The conference was amazing and I can't imagine planning an event like this so I was very proud of my friend for all her diligence. I know I can't share every single moment in this email but the biggest moment happened Sat night following the conference. I was asked to fill in at the concert after a musical artist dropped out. I was fully UNPREPARED to do this, but told my friend I would if they absolutely needed me to. Even after saying that - I proceeded to make her aware that I was uncomfortable with this scenario. Why? Because these were artists performing at a concert that had a fee...I - on the other hand - am NOT an artist, no CD to project I'm currently working on...

After moments, I realized that there I was going to have to do this. I was facing intimidation and knew I had to make a choice. To believe God would bring something good out of this performance. I had to believe that above my own self-confidence that was lacking - that God was confident enough to trust to put me on stage with my guitar in order to once again be able to share my testimony in a different way.

I told Anji that I would do it and asked if I could go first (again, hoping to save face and humiliation by being an opener as opposed to a part of the concert) It was too late, however, because I was wedged in the middle of two gospel rap groups. I barely made it through sound check with the 5 chords that I know, but was filled with this familiar feeling of calm that God has given me so many times before. I knew that something great was going to come out of this. And I knew I had to be broken in order to get to the good on the other side. It was then that Anji told me that she had this idea to have all the artists share their Cardboard Testimony somewhere in their set. The basic premise of the Cardboard Testimony is to write who you once were on one side and then who you are NOW after Christ on the other side. I was beginning to be more aware of what God was doing now. Earlier when I shared my testimony - adults weren't in the room (except a few) - Now God was creating a way for me to share my story again - but I had to be an "artist" to be able to share with all those who had come to the concert! =)

I sang three songs that I knew well on my guitar and shared parts of my testimony throughout each. But in the end - I put my guitar down so that I could fully focus. And I looked out and knew it was time to GO HARD and completely open myself up (AGAIN) for the sake that one person may hear and see God's glory and want to accept HIM as their Lord and Saviour! I took out my cardboard and shared my story; the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful ending of salvation! and I ended with giving glory to GOD. This was an amazing experience because when it was over - I felt an amazing release of joy!! I got off the stage and one of the rappers from the group after me commented on how one thing in particular in my testimony he had never dealt with in his life. He said it encouraged him - later that night during his cardboard testimony - he was amazingly open and shared about some very personal things that amazed me

I'm having an amazing time here in TX and will be hanging out and finishing up some things before my next destination. Tonight I will be visiting the Youth Group at Grace church and sharing my experience in South Africa last summer and some fundraising ideas as they prepare to raise money for their summer Youth program. Please pray for this to be a fun, encouraging time with these awesome youth kids and that they believe that anything is possible with God. I think they each have about $500 to raise in 3 weeks! I know God can do it!

As far as my fundraising.. I'm hitting a bit of a bump. I still need $650 to pay off the rest of my account and expenses that are necessary for my trip. This includes the fuel surcharge for the international flight, CPR certification ($89), Hep A&B vaccine, Japanese Euch... vaccine, and $50 to buy appropriate clothing in India for cultural sensitivity, etc
PRAISE REPORT: someone sublet my room for the summer so that expense is not an issue anymore!

There is still time to donate online to my mission account if you are willing and able to give. Visit Click on Donate

The last day they are counting online donations is May 30th (because it takes a week or so to process) After this - you will be able to give by contacting me. I will give you my account info, or paypal which is and is linked to my chase account. (Let me know if you are unfamiliar with paypal)
*For your donation to be tax deductible you will need to donate online by May 30th!*

All this is due at the time I arrive on campus in Garden Valley, TX on June 10th. I've heard testimonies of people getting the last bit of money needed right before they get on the bus to head out, but I'm not wanting to push this limit if at all possible. =) However, I know God is a miracle worker so only time will tell!

Still praying daily at 10:40am/pm so please join with me in prayer about these concerns and for the trip this summer!

Thank you for opening this email and making it down to the end! =)

Financial Update - May

Hey everyone!

So... the last time I emailed you all.. I was pretty frazzled by the news that I needed $541.40 to meet my next deadline. This was a BIG jump from the $70 I thought I owed. Well since then, if you have been following my posts on facebook, God completely rockeed my world last week. Within two days, I had $206 raised.

Here is a brief play-by-play:

Monday - freakout day, had to regroup my emotions and sent emails, received encouragement and began countdown of my FIGHT...
Tuesday - received $150 in donations towards my trip!
Wednesday - received $160 in donations towards my trip!!
Thursday - left for TN with my family and checked mission acct and saw some donations I hadn't counted!
Friday - posted on fb that I only needed $46.40 left to meet my deadline and before I could post to gmail, someone claimed that!
WOW... (it was more exciting to see the chipping away on fb, because that has timestamps..but still really cool)

So .... in 4 days.... God provided $541.40 for my ticketing deadline.

As of Monday, May 2, 2011, I have been ticketed for the summer trip to Nepal and India! This just means that my international ticket has been bought and that I'm officially on this trip!


Because of my discount, I have paid for my entire trip in full as of Monday! Leaving only additional expenses for me to raise - I would say this has been a pretty awesome week so far!!!

God is so faithful and i believe this was a test to see if I would hold on to HIS peace and HIS promise in the midst of not knowing what was happening.

So thank you to all who prayed, supported, and helped me spread the word!

You still want to support? Here are some fun ways to join in this opportunity!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Prayer Request

Need prayer for a fundraising plan for this summer!!!

all prayers welcome

I want to make a plan sometime within this next week to begin to fundraise by the end of this month!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mercy29 Organization

just watched a video that rocked my life... The Birth of Mercy29 INDIA

WOW!!! I want to be a Doer of the WORD!

This organization was recently founded for the sole purpose of being the hands and feet of Jesus. Here is a description from their website! I encourage you to check it out!:

We are reasonably employed by Jesus to investigate the case of those we do not know giving hope along with a future. Our heart is to deliver the poor that have no helper by sponsoring orphans and rescuing widows, as well as helping entire families suffering from systemic poverty. We build homes and Christian churches, facilitate schools in poor communities, and seek holistic transformation in the world’s most forgotten cities and villages.

We’re currently serving in two nations, Mozambique Africa and Andhra Pradesh India. In Africa, Mercy29 exist as a micro-community project helping several families. In India, we’re spread out amongst 6 children’s homes, caring mostly for orphans and elderly widows.

-Mercy29 (Website)

They also had this scripture on their site that completely put things in perspective for me:
Job 29:11-17
"For when the ear heard, it called me blessed, and when the eye saw, it gave witness of me, because I delivered the poor who cried for help, and the orphan who had no helper. The blessing of the one ready to perish came upon me, and I made the widow’s heart sing for joy. I put on righteousness, and it clothed me; my justice was like a robe and a turban. I was eyes to the blind And feet to the lame. I was a father to the needy, and I investigated the case which I did not know. I broke the jaws of the wicked and snatched the prey from his teeth."

God, I pray that I can move past my own selfishness in order to see Your will be done in Nepal and India this summer. I am in desperate need of a constant understanding of the oppression and injustice around the world! I want to bring YOUR love and gift of salvation to those places that are forgotten. I want to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, pray for the sick and DO GREATER WORKS so that Your Kingdom will be glorified! Help my eyes to see the my heart respond...order my feet to take ACTION and GO!!! Proverbs 25:25 "Good news from far away is like cold water to the thirsty."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ready, Set, FUNDRAISE!!!

Last summer, when I was preparing for my mission trip to South Africa, I realized quickly that I needed help. I had come so far in my own strength and neede God's direction. He directed me to reach out to others! Why?? Because it was humbling, it was comforting, and I truly saw God's church in action as people banned together to help me prepare for my trip. People were buying things on my packing list, helping me set up fundraisers, etc. The support I found by just reaching out was tremendous! I needed people around me to encourage me for this trip, pray for this trip, and also help me plan for this trip! They came in handy when I would get discouraged and want to give up.

This also translated over into fundraising aspect of my trip because I found that the more people I got on board the less pressure was on each individual to raise the full amount. $4000 was overwhelming to tell people, however, with smaller goals, like $20, $50, etc for a person to help me raise. For instance, with the Pringles fundraiser I did (raising about $400) I had 11 friends going around campus, work, etc, collecting change and it became something fun and challenging for us all. With a little healthy competition sprinkled here and there =) This I believe built camaraderie and we were able to talk about successes and failures with each fundraiser and support each other through it! Before we knew it, the total was inching away, piece by piece.

This got me thinking - if I create a team of supporters who are willing to raise a certain amount of money by a deadline for this summer, that opens the arena up for many different ideas to flow as well as the same team force that I believe helped mobilize me last summer! I have ideas, but instead letting everyone choose how they want to raise the money they commit to bringing in.

I'm sure you are thinking - COMMITMENT = PRESSURE but I say that this is not the case. This commitment gives a working goal and creates focus for an end goal. This helps me mobilize people to raise $ quicker and to a level they are comfortable with. If you commit to raising $100 over 6 months that could equate to getting 5 people to donate $10 every three months! or babysitting, or commit to hosting 1 bake sale for my trip and donate those earnings. Basically, just mini fundraisers going on that will empower my supporters to step on the water and see what God can do with what we give HIM!

So if you are interested in helping me fundraise for my mission trip and have an idea of how you would like to contribute please contact me!
Rhemma Snikiwe Payne on FB
doves_eyes_85 on twitter

rEaDy SeT gO!!!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year - New Opportunities!!

Happy New Year everyone!

I have some UBER great news to share with you all!!!

This summer I have the most wonderful opportunity to go on another mission trip with Global Expeditions (Teen Mania) to Nepal and India for 2 months! Last summer I went to South Africa and got to co-lead a team of 20 teens on day-to-day ministry in the squatter camps in Diepsloot and Kya Sands outside of Johannesburg.Watch my video - South Africa 2010

This year, I will also be co-leading a team of teens as we share the gospel with rescued victims of sex trafficking as well as those we meet on the street in Nepal and India. We will be using several ministry tools and I am praying for the words to say as I share my testimony and experiences to encourage those we meet.

I am thrilled to go on this trip for several reasons, but the most important reason being that between Nepal and India combined, there are less than 3% practicing Christians in those countries! We have WORK to do to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Both Nepal and India are in what is called the "10/40" window. What is the 10/40 Window?:

"The 10/40 Window is an area of the world that contains the largest population of non-Christians in the world. The area extends from 10 degrees to 40 degrees North of the equator, and stretches from North Africa across to China."(source).

"The 10/40 Window is a term coined by Christian missionary strategist Luis Bush in 1990to refer those regions of the eastern hemisphere located between 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator, a general area that in 1990 was purported to have the highest level of socioeconomic challenges and least access to the Christian message and Christian resources on the planet."(source)

Our team will be leaving June 13th and returning August 4th, 2011! We are all very thrilled for this opportunity while at the same time, very sober about the poverty and deprived situations we will see while there. We are wanting to see God do the miraculous and impossible this summer! Please believe with me that I will raise all the money necessary to go! Pray for my spiritual walk to be strengthened in preparation to go overseas this summer!

There are several ways that you can help mobilize me and support my mission trip this summer:

2. Support Financially
3. Fundraise with me! =)
4. Spread the word - invite people to follow my blog; Join my facebook group; Follow me: Twitter

Financial Breakdown:
Trip Goal: 2,520.00 (Cost, Materials, Airfare, etc)
Total Raised: $435.00

Remainder Cost: $2,085.00

To Donate:
Missionary ID#: 2599247
1. Phone: 1.866.545.6239 and ask to donate to a missionary account
2. Online: visit GE website donation page and search by my missionary id 2599247
3. Mail a check made out to Teen Mania Ministries to me (email me for address)
*Note for your check to be tax deductible - you cannot put my name anywhere on the check, but you should put my missionary ID!
4. Donate directly through my PayPal account: OR Check out my sidebar for the link -->

If you are interested in helping me implement my fundraising plan please email me as well!